In February 2011, ParaMed was part of a group of 55 participants who met with Alberta Health Services to discuss Alberta’s Seasonal Influenza Immunization Programs for 2011 and beyond.
“How can we best deliver a quality seasonal influenza immunization program in Alberta in 2011-2012 and beyond to reach the largest number of Albertans?”
The key messages to come from this group of diverse participants were:
- Challenges – decreased demand, vaccine and disease myths, lack of public interest and lack of collaboration amongst all stakeholders involved in flu program
- Opportunity – Immunization is the most cost effective health intervention of the 21st century, we need to work together to improve access and increase immunization rates
- How to do this – communication plan to increase knowledge, roles and responsibilities, expectations and guiding principals
- How to do this – collaborative partnerships between Alberta Health Services, Alberta Health and Wellness, community service providers, pharmacists, physicians, colleges, hospitals and Health Canada.
- How to do this – target specific populations with appropriate messages, through existing and new media
- How to do this- enhance the program, sustainability, use data and technology solutions, training , process mapping, alternative distribution models and quality and standards.
- The Payoff – healthier population, quality, cost effective program, increased access, increased immunization rates, stronger partnerships